This crispy 燒餅 - Shao Bing Taiwanese sesame flatbread, is another wonderful recipe to use sourdough discards, of course, it works well with fully fed sourdough also. The filling can be savory and sweet, I end up making both since I can never make up my mind which one I want.

Crispy Flatbread Dough:
- 360 grams all-purpose flour
- 10 grams sugar
- 200 ml hot water (adjust +10 grams water if the dough is dry)
- 70 grams 100% hydration sourdough (fed or discard)
- 30 grams neutral oil (ex. avocado oil)
- 5 grams salt
Crispy Flatbread Roux:
- 70 grams neutral oil
- 80 grams all-purpose flour
- White sesame for topping (other options: poppy seeds, black sesame seeds)
Steps to make the crispy sesame flatbread:
Day 1: Making the flatbread dough
- In a bowl mix the all-purpose flour, sugar, and hot water and combine until all the dry ingredients are incorporated.
- Cover the bowl and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
- Mix in the sourdough and combine, if the dough feels tough and dry this would be the time to adjust by adding small amounts of water.
- Once the dough is combined move the dough onto the bench to knead.
- Knead the dough for about 3-5 minutes until the dough is smooth and soft.
- Return the dough into the bowl and cover. Let the dough ferment on the counter for 3-4 hours until it has increased by 30-40%.
- Move the dough into the fridge to ferment overnight.
Flatbread dough before Flatbread dough after 3-5 minutes of kneading
Day 2:
Making the flatbread roux
- Take the covered dough out of the fridge and it is rest on the kitchen counter.
- Measure the all-purpose flour into a small bowl and set it aside.
- In a flat pan heat oil at medium heat until it becomes hot. Add the all-purpose flour into the oil, and stir the mixture for about 3-5 minutes until the roux and dark beige, the roux should smell nutty.
- The roux should be smooth and creamy like soft peanut butter. If the roux is too thin then add more flour and if it is too thick adjust the roux by adding oil.
- Set the roux aside to cool.
Making Crispy Sesame Flatbread
- Heat the oven to 450F.
- Take the dough out of the bowl and roll it into the a long log.
- Cut the dough into 10 even pieces.
- With a rolling pin roll the dough pieces out into thin oblong shape.
- Paste a thin layer of roux onto each piece.
- Grab one end of the dough and roll it over like cinnamon rolls.
- The with the rolling pin roll our the flat side into thin flatbreads.
- Place the flatbreads onto a baking tray and let the it rest for 30 minutes before baking.
- Then bake the flatbreads for 15 minutes or until gold brown.
- Cool on rack and eat!
The layers inside the flatbread Crispy Sourdough Sesame Flatbreads