The 饅頭 sourdough mantou steam buns and sourdough bread use the same ingredients, flour, water, and salt. But the results we try to achieve are totally different. The textures of sourdough mantou steam buns and sourdough bread are the exact opposite — crust & crumb vs. smooth & soft. The main difference between the two is the hydration or the amount of water mixed in the dough. For the sourdough mantou steam buns, the best hydration level is between 50-60% (percentage of flour). The less water in the dough the more firm the buns, the type of steam buns made in the Sangdong region. However, with more water in the dough, the steam buns are fluffier, and QQ (chewier), the types of buns made in Taiwan.

The two hurdles (for me) in making good buns are making sure that the steamer does not collect too much condensation during cooking, too much water dripping on the buns from the steam ruins the smooth surface of the buns, resulting in an undesirable tough surface. Secondly, to be very patient after shaping the dough, to give it enough time to raise for the second time and to include additional fermenting over a warm pot of water before steaming.
Making steam buns with sourdough, unlike using yeast, requires a lot of patience and waiting.
- 120 grams 100% hydration sourdough starter
- 540 grams all-purpose flour or bread flour (option: 10-30% whole wheat flour)
- 240 ml of water (option: substitute all - 1/2 of water to milk)
- 30 grams sugar (add more sugar for sweeter buns)
- 12 ml of oil
- pinch of salt
- parchment paper
Step 1: 100% Hydration Starter Preparation – (2-3 hours to 12 hours):
- Start feeding an active starter, at least 2-3 hours or overnight before working on the dough. I have found that a young starter (anything fermented around 3 hours from feeding) produces results just as good as a mature starter that has been fermented overnight. When working with a very mature starter or less active, start the feeding the night before the steaming.
Step 2: Mantou, Steam bun dough preparation - (1 hour including 30 minutes resting)
- In a stand mixer bowl, loosen the starter with the water, then add in the flour and mix with the hook till all ingredients are fairly well combined.
- Rest the mixture for 30 minutes. (The flour-only environment is better for the starter to ferment and do its magic.)
- Add in the sugar, oil, salt, and mix for 8-10 minutes until the dough is smooth and not sticky. The surface of the mixing bowl should be very clean and all the dough is attached to the hook.

Step 3: Bulk Fermentation - (2 to 4 hours)
- For bulk fermentation leave the dough to rise to about 20-30% in a warm place, it will take about 2-4 hours, make sure to cover the dough well so it does not dry out.
Smooth dough ready for bulk fermentation (2-4 hours) Dough increase by 20-30% after bulk fermentation, ready for shaping
Step 4: Shaping - (30 minutes)
- Next, de-gas and shape the dough. There are endless ways to shape the dough but my favorite method is to gently move the dough onto a work surface, cut the dough in half, place one half under a towel to keep moist and start shaping the first half.
- First, gently rolling the dough with a rolling pin into a square or rectangle to about 1/2 cm (1/3 inch), then take one of the sides and start rolling into a long loaf.
- Once rolled, cut the loaf into about 7 cm (3 inches) of equal-sized buns. Gently roll each small buns to shape and place on a parchment paper just enough to cover the bottom of the bun.
- Place the buns into the steamer for a second fermentation. Repeat the same for the other half of dough. Make sure to cover the buns with the steamer lid.
“Square” dough on the counter ready to be rolled and cut Dough rolled into shape ready to be cut Rolling mantou with scallions
Step 5: Proofing the mantou, steam buns - (1 to 1.5 hours)
- After proofing for about 1 hour, the buns will increase in size by about 30-40%. It may be difficult to tell how much the dough has risen so use the finger test.
- Finger test: Gently push on the surface of the dough with your finger and make a slight indent and if it does not bounce back or if the indent remains, it is ready. (If the bounces back or the indent is no longer visible it means that the dough can ferment more and increase its size.)

Step 6: Warm water final proofing & Steaming- (20 minutes proofing and 30 minutes steaming)
- Heat up the water for the steamer to about 40C (104F) and turn off the heat. Place the steamer with the buns inside over the warm water and wait for 20 minutes for the final proofing. Make sure the lid is still on.
- Finally, ready to steam. I like to place a towel underneath the lid to catch the condensation from the steam to prevent it from landing on the buns. (Excess water on the buns may result in a bumpy rough surface.)
- Start steaming at high heat once the water starts to boil turn the heat to medium and steam for 15 minutes.
- Once steaming over, turn off the heat but DO NOT open the lid and let steamer cool down with the lid on for 5-8 minutes. It is important not to open the lid right away to prevent the risen buns from collapsing when the cold air rushes into the steamer.
- Once cooled move the buns onto a rack to cool completely.

- The buns will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days, and it also can be frozen. The best way to heat up the buns is to place them in the steamer for 10-15 minutes.
Dough not sticking to the sides Smooth dough ready for bulk fermentation (2-4 hours) Dough increase by 20-30% after bulk fermentation, ready for shaping Dough rolled into shape ready to be cut “Square” dough on the counter ready to be rolled and cut Ready to be steamed Steamed Mantou Buns steamed and ready to eat after frozen in the freezer
Other sourdough mantou steam buns we made: